Monday, September 22, 2014

First Day of Fall...First Cold Of The Season

It's Monday, Lovelies...
And it's an absolutely beautiful first day of Fall here in Upstate New York. The only thing is, I'm sick. Nothing out of the ordinary, mind you. Just your everyday, run-of-the-mill sniffle-y, achy, groggy, foggy, stuffy, sore throat, yucky kind of sick! Like most of you, I have a few things I need to feel comfortable when I have a cold and for me that means acting like its the weekend. The weekend represents long hours snuggling (and snoozing) under a blanket on the couch, watching movies on T.V. (Men In Black, National Treasure, The Mummy...don't judge!) and wearing comfy clothes (the most amazing pair of leggings that I have ever owned - and I'm not kidding - came from a bin at Walgreens under a sign labeled "$9.99 ONE SIZE FITS ALL").
 Only, when I'm sick, I like to add in some feel good foods like broth based soups and goldfish crackers. I pretty much turn into a 7 year old when I'm sick and I'm A-OK with that. Except for one very grown-up thing I turn to when I'm under the weather. At the end of the day, when I've exhausted my vitamin C, Echinacea, hot tea, orange juice, and chicken noodle soup (and I still can't seem to breathe through my nose) I turn to an old stand-by...the Hot Toddy. It never fails to lull me to sleep and keep me there through the night. 
Now, I am no doctor, and I feel the need to say that I do not recommend having more than one of these if you are truly trying to heal from a virus of any sort. Having several will probably make you feel worse when you wake up the next morning instead of well rested, like I do. In any case, I have written the recipe below for you. Cheers, and here's to our health!

Cristina's Hot Toddy Recipe
1 1/2 oz. bourbon
1 tablespoon honey
Juice from 1/2  a fresh lemon
Juice from 1/4 fresh orange
 1 Cup boiling water

Combine all ingredients in a mug and stir to combine. Enjoy!

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